Friday, October 25, 2013

FosterHope Toy Drive Update!

     I'm at 8% of my toy goal, with just over a month to go. It's a great start! If you would like to donate a toy locally, here is a flier with the drop off locations. Thank you SO much to those who have participated so far!

Also, I'm excited to be participating in a holiday bazaar at Meadowbrook Community Church! It is November 9th from 9-2. I will have the fundraiser coffee and a drop off box here as well :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

A BIG project!

     This summer at a CIY MOVE conference, I received a Kingdom Worker challenge card. These are challenges that encourage you to be a kingdom worker in your school, own life, community, churches, or family. Some examples of the cards are leading a weekly Bible study with your family, drinking only water for a year, giving up all but 2 weeks worth of clothes, etc. If you choose to open it, you are making a commitment to give your 110% to complete it.

     My challenge was to collect 500 toys for needy kids by Christmas! If you know me, you know I have a huge heart for orphans, foster kids, and kids in general, so this card was perfect, especially with the fact that my family will be moving to the foreign mission field in the next year or so. I was so excited for fall to arrive so I could get things rolling on my challenge. I decided to partner with The Forgotten Initiative of Champaign. They mobilize and equip the Body of Christ to serve, mentor, and support the foster care community.  A few of TFI's initiatives are: Journey bags, first response, welcome home baskets, project sunshine, mentoring, among many others. I have been able to attend some of their events, and I knew that this was a great organization to work with! The number of toys I need to collect is massive, and it won't happen without YOUR help! I am so excited to get started on this project, and I cant wait to see the end result. These kids have been through more than I can imagine in their short lives, and I think they deserve a special gift this Christmas :)

Ways YOU can help:
1. Donate toys! Toys need to be brand new, $10 minimum value, and for any age from newborn to eighteen. Toys MUST be received by November 28th, but the sooner the MUCH better.

2. Donate money to purchase toys! This is perfect for non-local friends, as you don't need to ship the toys.

3. Buy Coffee! Yes, you read that right. The coffee you drink every morning could be supporting not just one, but two incredible ministries. I have been blessed to partner with Worlds Greatest Beans for a fundraiser. They sell Ethiopian dark roasted whole bean coffee, while supporting an incredible ministry that unites orphans and widows to create families. Pretty incredible! PLUS, just two bags of coffee bought from this fundraiser will provide one foster child with a toy. While I'm not a coffee drinker, I've heard MANY good things about how incredibly good this coffee is!

Tomoca Ethiopian Dark Roast Coffee Beans:
1.1 lb is $15
3.3 lbs is $42


The Coffee Club! Coffee is shipped directly to you each month...pretty handy! Each subscription will donate $20 to the project :)
1 Bag- $19.95/month
2 Bags- $35.96/month
3 Bags- $52.95/month
5 Bags- $86.95/month

I can't meet this goal on my own, so I would love your support! If you would like to help, please email me. Thank you!!


Monday, September 9, 2013


Welcome to my website! Click the tabs above to see all of the different items, and the order form tab if you would like to place an order. Thank you!